sábado, 9 de mayo de 2009

Adressing you my love

the pain alloted me is none of your concern

stand there just looking at me from the sunny silence

the summer whistles about your lusty young head and there is no history

Europe is merely beautiful and you don´t see its dead rising nor the echoes of the cries

I love you we live in a place where nobody dies and in spite of the rest of the earth

we can be two happy stupid intellectuals so sure of themselves and with a garden to
drink martinis in.

Don´t fall drunk on your face in the garden or I´ll kick you out of the house and you´ll never see me again.

Here it´s perfect. The birds chirp in classical Italian.

The city of Toledo is surrounded by a river with bridges with magnificent battlements. Here

El Greco painted saints while the Inquistion burnt heretics.

At a little stand in a plaza overlooking the river we had what you cannot deny was
the best lemonade ever...

Franco had a bad rap, but he´s still got a lot of fans.

I don´t care if Hitler was walking around not far from here just a little while ago

A lot of Germans say sure he was bad but he gave us the autobahn and you have to appreciate it

the whole of Europe now is one country full of very efficient autobahns

it doesn´t take a long time to go from one historically impressive, monumental city
to another

bypassing the cemeteries.

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