sábado, 14 de febrero de 2009


light rain moves through the neighbourhood
like someone who just won the lottery

are you walking to any place normal?
where will you end up this afternoon?
i´ll stop for a coffee on the way no matter what...

i think it´s nice to know somewhere around here
there´s somebody whose job is to stick me with needles

is that the only love making you practice nowadays?
it´s not so bad: my hair isn´t falling
and everyone should try some sort of martyrdom
as it is good to refine the soul

what i mean is no i´m not giving you any money
i´m on my way to dialysis and why the fuck should i give you any money?

sorry, man, i didn´t know. Dialysis, eh? i heard
that´s tough. i heard it´s even tougher than begging.

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